Job Offer Letter or Employment Letter is a ready-to-use excel template that helps you a letter to applying candidates on selection for the job post in just a few minutes.
All you have to do is to enter the details of the employee, his designation, and the joining date along with other relevant details. A pre-drafted letter is given and hence you don’t need to manually type the whole letter.
Furthermore, this Job Offer Letter is also available in Word, PDF, Google Doc, and Open Ofice Writer format. Click on the desired icon and download the required format. All these formats are free to download and completely editable.
Table of Contents
What is a Job Offer Letter?
Job Offer Letter is an HR document issued by employers to the candidates who have applied and selected for the post. It is also known as Employment Letter or Offer Letter.
Usually, the recruiting staff uses such a letter to inform the candidate that they have been selected for the applied post. If the offer is accepted by the candidate then other procedures like contracts are made.
A candidate has the right to accept the offer returning the letter duly signed by them. In case, the compensation or other policies aren’t acceptable then the candidate can decide to negotiate on terms or decline the invitation.
What Does An Offer Letter Include?
A job offer letter consists of the following:
- Job title
- Job description
- Post Location
- Starting date
- Employment Type
- Reporting Time and Date
- Reporting Authority
- Salary (Compensation Bonus or Commission)
- Paid time off
- Policies or Annexures
Job Offer Letter Excel Template
We have created a simple and easy Job Offer Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter the employee details along with other relevant details of the employment. That’s it and your letter is ready.
Click the link below to download the desired format for Job Offer Letter:
Excel PDF Word Google Doc Open Office Writer
Additionally, you can download other HR Letter templates like Employment Verification Letter, Transfer Rejection Letter, Promotion Rejection Letter, Job Rejection Letter, Disciplinary Memo, Promotion Letter, Casual Leave Application, Absconding Letter, and much more from our website.
In other formats like Word, Open Office Writer, and Google Doc just change the bolded words and your letter is ready.
Let us understand the contents of the template in detail and how to use this template.
Contents of Job Offer Letter Excel Template
This template consists of 2 sheets: Data Input Sheet and Employment Letter Template.
Data Input Sheet
This sheet consists of 3 sections: Employee details, Employer details, and Job Offer Details section.
Employee details consist of:
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City and State
Ph. No.
Employer details include:
Company Name
Sender’s Name
Offer Details section consists of the following heads:
Letter Issuing Date
Employee’s Designation
Location – Unit
Employment Type
Other Benefits
Job Role Description
Reporting Date
Reporting Time
Report To
Payment Duration
Last Date Of Offer Acceptance
Please leave the cell blank that is not applicable.
Job Offer Letter Template
You can print this letter just by entering the details in the Data Input Sheet. Thus, no need to do anything on this sheet. The cells are linked to the data input sheet and it will automatically fetch the required data in the adjusted cells.
Important Note: If you use to print the Excel template to print the letter, it will look different as the cells have been designated to place the required data. There will more space near the credentials. We have given other formats for your ease.
Additionally, to send a pdf version use the inbuilt Microsoft to PDF option available in the print menu. See image below:
Thus, this template can be helpful to HR assistants, HR heads as well as HR professionals and department heads to create a job offer letter according to their requirements in just a few minutes.
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