Daily Work Schedule Template is a ready-to-use template in Excel, Google Sheet, Open Office Calc, and Apple Numbers that helps to schedule your tasks.
This day planner template helps you schedule your day and gives you the most granular details of the tasks.
Table of Contents
What is the Work Schedule?
Daily Work Schedule Template is a planner that helps us to prioritize and schedule our routine tasks daily. Work Schedule is made for workdays from Monday to Friday/Saturday or for the whole week from Monday to Sunday.
Importance Of Work Schedule
If our schedule is not planned we will end up with the busy work that will make our days slip away without good productivity. Scheduling can help you beat procrastination and get more important works done.
I use this Daily Work Schedule to plan my work. Starting from article writing, client’s appointments, and meetings, etc. Everything that I need to do during the day from the time I wake up till I go to sleep.
Furthermore, accomplishing our tasks, goals, and dreams always begins by focusing on our important tasks.
Daily Work Schedule Methods
There are five types of scheduling methods commonly used as follows:
Time Blocking Method (TB)
As the name suggests, the Time blocking method is dedicating specific hours to accomplish specific tasks. This method is helpful for freelancers, businessmen, and individuals to increase daily productivity.
Furthermore, it helps to know exactly how we are going to use our time and when also the time of accomplishment.
The Time Blocking method is quite similar to TO-DO lists. The only difference is that the to-do list consists of only the tasks that you need to accomplish. Whereas the time blocking method consists of a predefined time frame in addition to the tasks. It requires a detailed level of planning and strict following of the schedule.
Working within a strict time-frame schedule to accomplish tasks helps us to create a tunnel view focus on our important tasks.
Most Important Task Method(MIT)
MIT or Most Import Task method is a method of dedicating time to extremely important projects or tasks instead of making a long to-do list. It doesn’t mean you don’t do other tasks. You can do other tasks but only after completing the important tasks.
As soon as you define the time for your most important tasks, schedule them in the initial hours of your day. You can save yourself from distractions and get your essential things done easily.
Moreover, using his MIT method along with Time-Blocking Methods by setting your initial hours of the day for important tasks and assigning later hours to other routine tasks.
This method makes your day more productive and your every day passes with some meaningful and important tasks. It is yet another way to increase productivity.
This method can be useful to freelancers as they have different types of client tasks to manage by setting up the priority.
Pomodoro Method
Pomodoro Method is the method of working continuously for short durations with little breaks with a timer. It allows you to break large tasks into manageable intervals.
Such small intervals are called Pomodoro Sessions. It involves choosing a task, breaking it into small targets deciding the time interval.
Under this method, you set a timer to 25 minutes and work continuously for that duration. Then take a 5-minute short break and set the timer similarly until you complete the task. It is advisable to take longer breaks of 15-20 minutes after every 4 Pomodoro Sessions.
Moreover, this method allows us to complete a significant amount of work during the day along with adequate breaks.
This technique is of great help to content creators, bloggers, authors, etc. All these professions require research and creative input.
Ultradian Rythm Method (90-Minute Session Method)
Our body operates based on cycles called “ultradian rhythms.” The word Ultradian refers to cycles with a period shorter than a day but longer than an hour. Each cycle consists of two parts: a peak in which a person is most energized and a drain when they are exhausted.
It is similar to the Pomodoro Technique. The only difference is that it has intervals longer than an hour and breaks are longer of 20-30 minutes.
Throughout this 90-minute session technique, you can take advantage of the energy peaks and drains. You will work for 90 minutes straight and then take a rest for 20-30 minutes.
Usually, people don’t understand the rhythms of their bodies and try to work intensively. They use stimulants like coffee or tea to power up during the drains when the energy is low. Instead of increasing productivity, this makes you get tired soon and hence decreases your productivity.
This technique helps you to work following your body rather than working against it. You can focus your maximum energy level to the task at hand during those 90 minutes and eventually giving a major boost to your productivity.
Similar to the Pomodoro Technique, the 90-minute session method is also for creative people like content creators, bloggers, authors, etc.
Polyphasic Sleep Method
The polyphasic sleep method is a method of scheduling by dividing your sleep into small chunks across a day. In simple terms, the person divides his sleep into small phases instead of taking a long sleep altogether. Polyphasic Sleep Method is a less common method of scheduling and it doesn’t work for all.
This method helps you get extra hours every day. By decreasing the hours of sleep from 8 to 6 hours a day gives you 2 hours a day and 14 hours a week extra to work.
Furthermore, dividing your 6 hours of sleep schedule into sleep chunks of your choice like 4 hours continuously sleep and 4 naps of 30 minutes allows you to work tirelessly.
Daily Work Schedule Excel Template
I created a simple but very effective Daily Work Schedule template which is very helpful for us to prioritize our tasks and eventually increase our productivity.
Excel Google Sheets Open Office Calc Apple Numbers
Click here to Download All HR & Payroll Excel Templates for ₹299.
Important Note: To edit and customize the Google Sheet, save the file on your Google Drive by using the “Make a Copy” option from the File menu.
Additionally, you can download other HR documents like Salary Sheet With Attendance Register, Employee Mileage Log, and many more templates given on the left bar.
Let’s discuss in brief about the template.
Content of Daily Work Schedule Template
Row 1: Heading of the Sheet “Daily Work Schedule”. Merge cells from B1 to H1.
Row 2: Enter Week Days from Monday to Sunday or Monday to Friday or Saturday as per your work schedule.
Row 3: Insert start time and end time of the work schedule. Select the scheduling method and it will automatically set the hours for you.
If you select the time blocking method then it will display a 1-hour time frame. When Pomoro is selected, it displays 30 minutes session which includes 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes rest. Furthermore, if you select Ultradian Rythm then it will display a 2-hour session which includes 90 minutes of work and 30 minutes of rest.
Cell B3 to H32 is for data input.
See image below for an overview of the Daily Work Schedule Template:
Printable Daily Work Schedule
Click below to download Printable Daily Work Schedule.
Uses of Daily Work Schedule Template
Meeting or Appointment Planner
To manage all your appointments and meetings daily. Print out this daily schedule and put it in your office or home for easy accessibility and action.
Also, we can access it on your Smartphone and Laptops so that we can easily add, delete, or edit it as you require.
To-do List
To organize your daily to-do list and remove them when completed from this list. Additionally to break long to-do lists and distribute the work during the week so that we can know exactly what we need to achieve every day.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a normal work schedule?
Usually, a normal full-time work schedule is 8-9 hours a day starting from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday. It is almost equivalent to 40 hours per week.
What is a 4:2 Schedule?
4:2 schedule means 4 days on, 2-days off. It allows the employer to set a 6 weeks schedule. It is mostly used in hotel industries and industries to maintain the rotation of employees.
What is a set schedule?
A set schedule means that your work timings, salaries/wages are the same. It can be daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly.
What is a 5/40 work schedule?
5/40 schedule means that there are 5 working days of 8 hours per day which equals 40 hours a week.
What is a 5 shift pattern?
5 shift pattern is a 25 days cycle in which each team member works five 10-hour first shifts and gets 3 days off. Then, again works five 10-hour in the third shift and gets 4 days off. Followed by this, again works five 10-hour in the second shift and getting 3 days off. Generally, i is also known as (5-3, 5-4, 5-3) Ten Hour Rotating Shift Pattern. This makes a complete rotation.