Basic Addition Practice Sheet is a ready-to-use excel template which helps a student to practice addition problems.
When you click on the button, it generates random numbers in the practice sheet automatically. Thus it enables the student to practice a variety of sums.
Table of Contents
Purpose of Addition Practice Sheet
From Grade 1 kids learn Basic Mathematics. Teachers and parents need to write different addition problems.
Usually, they do it manually in the book and make the child answer and then comes the part of checking it. It becomes hectic and time-consuming task for teachers and parents.
These ready-to-use sheets help you generate multiple combinations of basic addition problems in just one click.
It selects random numbers from the given range and display in the sheet every time you click the “New Numbers” button given below.
You can make your kids practice these sheets on PC and saving a lot of papers. If this isn’t possible, this template also has a printable version. Just take a print and give to your child.
Once you or your child enter the answer in the sheet, it will display right or wrong. If it is right it displays “Good Job” and if it is wrong it displays “Try Again”.
Your kids will enjoy doing this and they will learn while playing.
Basic Addition Practice Sheet Excel Template
This Practice Sheet is an excel template with predefined formulas and macros. This template helps the students to easily practice basic addition problems.
Click here to download the Basic Addition Practice Sheet Excel Template.
Click here to Download All Educational Excel Templates for ₹299.You can also download other educational templates like; Student Study Planner, Student Comprehensive Progress Report,Percentage Practice Sheet, Multiplication Tables 1-30 Practice Sheet and Multiple Choice Question – MCQ Test Checking Sheet from our website.
Contents of Basic Addition Excel Template
When you open this template, a Security Warning will be displayed below the ribbon. Click on “Options”.
Select “Enable this content” and click “OK”.
A very simple and easy-to-use macro-enabled template. This template consists of a total of 2 sheets:
- Basic Addition Practice Sheet.
- Printable Addition Practice Sheet.
Basic Addition Practice Sheet
This sheet consists of two tables. Each table consists of 16 sums. Thus, it consists of a total of 32 basic addition problems.
Enter the answer in the light blue color cell. Don’t write anything on a dark blue color cell as they contain formulas.
If the answer is correct the cell next to it displays “Good” and if it is wrong it displays “Try Again”.
Check the practice done by your child and press the “New Numbers” button. With the help of a macro and VBA code, the file will generate a random number.
You can manually specify the range of number. You can choose 1,2,3,4,5… any figure range and the template will display the numbers between that range.
For Example; 1000-3000
Printable Basic Addition Practice Sheet
The functioning of the printable sheet is similar to the above sheet. the only difference is that it is colorless and saves ink while printing.
Set the print area, print and give it to the child. If you need another range of numbers, change the range and click on the button to generate a new sheet.
In case you are catering more than one student at a time and want all the practice sheets to be different from each another than just click ‘New Numbers’. Give each printout with a different set of questions.
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