Students’ Exam Hall Ticket Generator is a ready-to-use excel template to make student’s hall ticket. It enables a school to issue Hall Tickets with minimal efforts.
It is issued to the students before the exams as a mandatory document to get eligibility to sit in the examination hall.
What is an Exam Hall Ticket?
Hall ticket is a document issued by the school, college, organization which is mandatory for the student or the attendee to carry while appearing for the exam. The bears the seat numbers and students details.
These exam hall tickets are issued in two forms; one is without photo and another one is with photo.
Normally, the school at small level issue the exam hall ticket without a photo.
Whereas education boards and other examination boards like JEE, PMT issue it with student’s or attendee’s photo.
Purpose of Issuing Exam Hall Ticket
Most of the schools collect the fee on a monthly or quarterly basis. Very few schools make it compulsory to pay for the whole year in advance.
It is not feasible to run the school smoothly if fee payments of students get delayed beyond a reasonable time.
It disturbs the cash flow of the school. Eventually leading to delay in staff salaries, payments of electricity bills, smart class renewals, providing facilities and services, estate maintenance, etc.
To ensure smooth functioning, schools prefer to issue Hall Tickets to their students before each exam. The schools issue the hall tickets only to those students who have paid reasonably or in full.
Students are not allowed to enter the examination hall without Hall Ticket. Those who haven’t paid either will not be able to sit in the exam or make payment of fees to obtain the hall ticket.
Hence, all the dues would be easily realized before the exam itself.
Student’s Exam Hall Ticket Generator Excel Template
Usually, most schools issue Exam Hall Tickets to their students written manually. It is a hectic task for the administrator to make it for all classes and will consume a lot of man-hours.
Some schools opt for computerized copies, but they only insert headings and empty boxes in word or excel. Then enter all data manually which again consumes a lot of time and energy.
To save a lot of manual man-hours and do the process in just a few clicks, we have created a ready-to-use Exam Hall Ticket Generator in Excel with predefined formulas.
Click here to download the Student’s Hall Ticket Generator Excel Template.
Click here to Download All School Management Excel Templates for ₹299.You can also download other educational templates like; Yearly School Attendance Sheet, School Report Card and Mark Sheet Template, Academic Period Allotment System, Syllabus and Lesson Planner and Multiple Choice Question – MCQ Test Checking Sheet from our website.
Make a sheet for every class and enter the student’s name only once. That’s it. It will automatically prepare the Exam Hall Ticket for 60 students in just minutes.
Let us understand the contents of the template in detail.
How To Use Student’s Exam Hall Ticket Generator Excel Template?
This template consists of 3 sheets:
- Student’s Data Sheet
- Hall Ticket Sheet Without Photo
- Hall Ticket Sheet With Photo
1. Student’s Data Sheet
Student’s Data Entry Sheet consist of 2 sections: school and class details and details of students.
School & Class Details
School detail consists of name, address, class, division, and Exam.
It is compulsory to write the class in digit i.e. number (1 to 12). Do not use Roman letters or any other format to define the class. In case you do not have divisions of the class then leave the division column blank.
Note: Data entry needs to be done in light blue color cells. No data entry is required in cells with a navy blue color.
Use this template class-wise, that is one file for each class.
This will be a one-time effort. At the time of the next exam, you only need to change the exam name and its ready to print.
Student’s Details
Student’s details include the roll number, names of the students and their seat number.
Insert the data or if you already have a computerized list of class-wise students, then just copy and paste the data and it’s done.
You can include a maximum strength of 60 students. In case you have lesser students let the other rows be blank. Do not delete any rows or columns.
No seat numbers will be generated against a blank cell that doesn’t have a roll number or student’s name.
Seat Number consists of four digits and an alphabet. The first digit is the class of which Hall Tickets needs to be printed. The second digit will always be 0 (zero). Third and fourth digits are roll numbers starting from 01 to 60.
Alphabet at last mentions the division. If there are no divisions of any class then it will simply show numbers and not an alphabet. For example; roll number 54 of class 5 A is 5054/A.
As soon as you enter basic details and students name immediately it will generate seat number by itself. The seat number is defined in a very logical manner here for making identification easy at any level.
2. Hall Ticket Sheet Without Photo
Complete the student’s data sheet and your Hall Tickets are ready to print. The second sheet is Exam Hall Tickets Without Photo.
This sheet is just for display and printing purpose. All the boxes and cells will fetch the data and auto-update from the Student’s Data Sheet.
Set the required print area and page setup to print all student’s exam hall ticket.
3. Hall Ticket With Photo
The third sheet is Exam Hall Tickets with Photo which bears space for a photo of students.
This sheet is also linked with the student’s datasheet.
Set the print area and print the hall tickets with photo. After printing, you need to stick the photo of the respective student on the hall ticket.
If we provide the student’s with these printed slips there are chances that student can make such hall tickets. Modern students are smart enough and there are chances of such things to happen.
To safeguard such forgery or duplicating issue, we suggest affixing your school’s stamp on each Hall Ticket to maintain its authenticity.
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How can we change Title called Roll number .. my school don’t have roll numbers we have Members ID