Vehicle Sales Agreement is a ready-to-use excel template that helps you to prepare a legal vehicle sales document to safeguard the interests of buyers and sellers.
With this template, you can prepare the agreement in just a few minutes. Enter the buyer, seller and vehicle details and your agreement is ready.
In addition to the above, this vehicle sale agreement is available in Word, PDF, Google Doc, and Open Office Writer format. Download your desired format and start using it. All formats files are editable and free to download.
Table of Contents
What is A Vehicle Sales Agreement?
Vehicle Sales Agreement is a legal document made for the purchase and sale of the vehicle. It includes buyer, seller and vehicle details along with the sale price agreed between the buyer and the seller.
The purpose of making this document is to safeguard the interests of the buyer and seller. There can be some legal issues on the vehicle like parking tickets, accident claims before or after the sales deal.
If the claims are of dates before the agreement the seller is liable to pay and when the claims are after the date of purchase the buyer is liable to play. Hence, it creates a win-win situation for both the parties involved in the deal.
Vehicle Sales Agreement Excel Template
We have created a pre-drafted Vehicle Sales agreement with predefined formulas and formating. Enter the details in the data input sheet and the letter will automatically fetch the details to the relevant cells. That’s it.
Click here to download the Vehicle Sales Agreement Excel Template.
Additionally, you can download other useful templates like Vehicle Maintenance Log and many other templates from our website.
Vehicle Sales Agreement – PDF, Doc, Google Doc, and Open Office Writer Format
Download the Vehicle Sale Agreement in PDF, DOC, Open Office or Google Doc formats given below:
PDF Word Google Doc Open Office Writer
Let us understand the contents of the template and how to use this template.
Contents of Vehicle Sales Agreement Excel Template
This template consists of 2 sheets: Data Input Sheet and Vehicle Sales Agreement Template.
Data Input Sheet
Data Input Sheet consists of 4 sections: Seller’s Details, Buyer’s Details, Other Details, and Witness Details.
Seller and Buyer’s details section consists of the following:
City & State
Other details include the following details realted to the vehicle as well as sell price:
Date of Agreement
Vehicle Make
Year of Manufacturing
Vehicle Registration Number
Chassis Number
Engine Number
Agreement Effective Date
Consideration Amount in Figures
Amount in Words
Existing Loan Account Number (if applicable)
Date of repayment of the loan
N.O.C. to be furnished date
Witness 1 and 2 details section consists of the following:
City & State
You are almost done.
Vehicle Sales Agreement Template
You don’t require to type or do anything on this sheet. Just check the print preview and if everything is set just print it. This letter fetches the relevant details at relevant places from the data input sheet.
Printing the letter using the excel Excel file will look different from Word as it consists of table format. Hence, there will a little bit more space near the credentials. Thus, other formats have been provided above for your ease.
Additionally, to send a pdf version use the inbuilt Microsoft to PDF option available in the print menu. See image below:
Thus, this template can be helpful to auto dealers, individuals or companies involved in buying and selling vehicles.
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