Indian Fiscal Calendar 2019-20 With Notes consists of 3 color variations and available in 3 different forms; images, downloadable/printable pdf, and excel.
In the Notes section, you can enter the date and the respective fiscal event on that date. These events include GST-Returns submission dates, Personal IT-Returns, Corporate IT-Returns, Audit Submissions, etc.
The best part about these templates is that they are 100% free to download and use. you just need to download the template and start using it.
This template can be very useful to small and medium business owners, accountants, accounting professionals like CA, CFO, CS, etc.
What is a Fiscal Year?
A fiscal year is a period for which government institutions and businesses in a particular country prepare their annual reports for Income Tax Return Filing and other government taxes.
In India, the fiscal year is from April 1 st to March 31 st next year. Different countries have different fiscal calendars.
Furthermore, the United Kingdom(UK), Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and South Africa also have their fiscal year from April to March.
Dates might differ in some countries but the months are the same for a fiscal year in these countries.
Let us discuss the contents of the template in detail.
Indian Fiscal Calendar 2019-20 With Notes Excel Template
We have created a simple and ready-to-use Indian Fiscal Calendar 2019-20 with Notes excel template with three color variations. It consists of free excel template along with downloadable pdf and images.
Click here to download Indian Fiscal Calendar With Notes Excel Template
Furthermore, you can also download our 100 Years Calendar from the link below:
100 Years Excel Calendar Template
Contents of Indian Fiscal Calendar 2019-20 With Notes
This template consists of 3 different sheets for the Indian Fiscal Calendar 2019-20 with Notes; Colored, Black & White, and Ink Saver. Each sheet consists of a Notes section beside the calendar.
Notes section consists of 2 columns; Date and Description. Add the date on which any fiscal event is coming up and the name of the respective event in the description.
These dates and events will be fiscal dates and events like GST Return submission dates, personal Income tax return submission dates, assessment dates, corporate return submission dates, etc.
Colored – Fiscal Calendar 2019-20 With Notes
The colored variation is a simple fiscal calendar with the week starting on Monday. It displays 12 months; April 2019 to March 2020 on 1 page. It can be easily printed on A4.
This template is made in a blue color scheme. It is considered as a professional color. You can customize the colors according to your needs. To do so follow the steps below:
Go to Home Tab, in Font tab select the Font Color or Fill Color and choose your desired color.==> Font Color or Fill Color.
Black & White – Fiscal Calendar 2019-20 With Notes
Black & White color scheme is a generic color scheme acceptable by everyone as it saves money. The prints of Black & White cost you less than as compared to colored prints.
Similar to the colored file, this file also consists of 12 months; April 2019 to March 2020. The week starts on Monday.
Ink Saver – Fiscal Calendar 2019-20 With Notes
Lastly, the third sheet is made in the Ink Saver color scheme, an economic option of printing. Save unnecessary usage of ink and thus saves money. As it has the least colors and more copies can be printed.
Identical to the above color schemes, this file also consists of the same 12 months that is April 2019 to March 2020.
Please Note: Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, UK, and Canada have the same fiscal year as India. Thus, these templates can be used for all these countries also.
Download Printable Calendar PDFs and Images of Calendar 2019 by clicking the button below:
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